Your membership in the Music Guild supports our mission to offer strong financial support to all BTW music programs. It allows us to purchase music and supplies for music faculty use in the classroom, provide meals for students engaged in after-school or evening rehearsals and performances, cover transportation expenses for equipment needed for off-campus performances, and assist with expenses incurred by faculty for attendance at continuing education programs and conferences. ​ 

The Music Guild complements the PTSA with a 100% focus on our Music Conservatory students. We provide volunteers and hospitality for events, and we advocate and raise funds for the conservatory.
There are several ways you can support the Guild.  To volunteer your time or talents, contact the appropriate guild officer or ensemble liaison. If you would like to make a one-time or recurring donation, purchase an annual membership or become a Guild Guardian, please complete the form at the link below (if link is not visible... you are already signed up!). If you have questions about membership, email our membership officers.
Guild members receive the following benefits:​
  Standard Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Diamond
Music Guild Newsletter Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Eligible for Music Guild Senior Scholarship Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Recognition on Music Guild Website   Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Recognition in Performance Programs   Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Preferred Seating at Fall and Spring Classics and Grand Concert*     Yes Yes Yes Yes
Music Guild T-Shirt       1 T-Shirt 1 T-Shirt 1 T-Shirt
Music Pass         2 tickets per concert** 4 tickets per concert**
*Limited number of seats, first come, first served
** Tickets to Fall and Spring Music Conservatory Concerts 

2024 - 2025 Music Guild Guardian List

Diamond Guild Guardians ($1,000+)

Brandi and Brian Cline

The Coats Family

The Henry Family

Amy Lerma

Sarah and Landon Lowry

The Maynard Family

The McRorie Family

 The Nelson Family

The Shelton Family

The Weiss Family  

Stacie and Mark Whitley  


Platinum Guild Guardians ($500+) 

John and Stacey Brown

The Bush Family

The Derryberry Family

Justin and Meladee Farr

Kelly and Herman Guerra

Karin Nowicki

Eric and Janet Stephens 

Emily and Ted Vann


Gold Guild Guardians ($250+)

The Andrepont-Aycock Family

The Beavers Family

The Chapel Family

The Danielson Family

The Gillett Family

Crystal Harlow

Eleanor McCauley

Leslie and Marsha Peters

Dr. Shemeka Williams


Silver Guild Guardians ($100+)

Heather and Kevin Bonfield

The Bronson-Yaklin Family

Ms. Camille Connally

Jake and Beverly Cox

The Crecelius Family

The Daly Family

Dawn Edelman

Sarahia Gomez and April Villanueva

The Hale Family

The Harlow Family

The Hodges Family

The Holmes Family

The Kirby Family

The Marchand Family

The Parents of Leo Masters

Karina Olvera and Luis E. Enriquez

The Opat Family

Melody and Stacy Stevens

Kristin Van Cleve and Michael Lelevich

The Walker Family


Bronze Guild Guardians ($50+)


The Behrens Family

Christine Bickers and Ruby Ramirez

Emily Casillas

The Craigo Family

Cheryle and Brian Hartig

Stephanie Riggs Kirkham

The Lee Family

Team Lindsey

Mrs. Mack

Pauline and Web Mayfield

Hailey Montanaro and Nate Bradley

The Moreno Family

Andy and Megan Stoker

 Carmen Vela

The Walker Family

The Warren Family